And Your Job Easier
— “C’mon down Life Flight . . . everything is good!”
Have you ever heard these words?
Maybe you’ve heard it flying over a Landing Zone (LZ)?
Or maybe you’ve said these words looking up at a medical helicopter circling the landing zone you and your team set up?
Whether you hear it from the air, or say it from the ground, makes no difference. Firefighter or Flight Crew –we’re all on the same team, and the point is the same for Flight Safety Net air crews and ground crews.
“C’mon down (insert air medical service name)” is not a landing zone briefing.
It’s okay to say the words. But it’s not okay to substitute the words for a landing zone briefing –or accept these words as a landing zone briefing.
When Seconds Count . . . It Still Takes a Minute or Two
I know what you’re thinking . . . because I’m thinking it too (kind of).
But what about the patients? They need our help. They need us to land right now!
The patients need you to maintain safety at all times.
- The patients need you to keep them safe
- The patients need you to keep your own crew safe
- The patients need you to keep the air and ground crews you’re working with safe
Then, and only then, can the patient get the attention and treatment they need for the given circumstances and situation.
Nobody can do more. Nobody expects more. Not even the patients.
So how do firefighters and flight crew get this done safely?
My answer may seem anti-climatic. Because my answer isn’t original. It’s just a different spin on what you’re already doing.
Follow a checklist.
Checklists work.
Checklists save time and keep us from forgetting important stuff.
Time to Get Medieval
Here is a checklist to help you with medical helicopter landing zones – from the air or ground.
Just remember to bring your S.W.O.R.D.
S – Size, surface, slope
W – Winds, what direction are the winds coming from
O – Obstacles, where are the wires, cell phone towers, hockey nets, etc
R – Route, best way in and out of landing zone
D – Double check everything.
Every landing zone is different.
Every flight crew and fire department is different.
So you can (and should) modify the checklist to fit your needs. It’s not a “one size fits all” type thing. It’s a guide, and an easy memory trick to help you the next time you’re circling over a landing zone or setting one up. So the next time you hear, or say “c’mon down,” you’ll be ready.
Just remember to bring your sword.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
What tips or tricks do you have to keep your local flight crews and firefighters safe? Tell us in the comments section below.
35 Responses
Frankly, I enjoyed that!
Thanks Frank.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Most important? Situational awareness..hands down!
Frank, we agree, situational awareness is the trump card. But this article gives specifics to look for when setting up a landing zone, or getting ready to land in a landing zone.
I’m applying for a flight nurse position. I don’t think they any African Americans working for them. Do I say anything about that to help my chances of getting the job or do I leave that out?
I think it’s a matter of personal choice. All helicopter operators and health systems in the United States follow EOE laws. My personal opinion is that your race will make no difference when applying for a flight nurse job. I hope this helps you. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Thank you for your service. The only thing I will say is this: Will race play a part in providing professional service? That truly is what the patients deserve.
Not have the helicopter there the zone would be much safer 😉
But really common sense look for obvious hazards and clean up any thing that might be ingested or turned into a misdial and create a clear safe zone to stand in where you are visible to the crew
Very good points. Thank you for sharing.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Somewhat like to old adage that the secret to good retail is location, location, location. In the case of helicopter LZ’s number 1 is wires, wires, and wires!
I never heard that analogy before. But I like it (a lot). Thank you for sharing it.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Excellent way to remember all those things you need for the brief. I’d add just two broad things:
1) Ensure you share your ingress and egress plan with ground personnel so they know what to expect.
2) Include the medical pros in the back when you train and on missions to clear the zone going in and coming out. More trained eyes means more opportunity to see the gotchas in an unprepared zone.
Fly Safe,
Great points!
I especially agree with including the crew in the back. Team is the quickest way to safety and success. Thank you for sharing your expertise and knowledge.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
OldSalem FireRescue
Thanks for sharing with your fire department.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Advice for future readers: No medieval weapon is actually used. The weapon is only utilized as a acronym. I’m disappointed.
Remember, air medical are life savers, not life takers. Thanks for commenting. Sorry to disappoint.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Great info Shamar Bailey
Thanks Dave.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
is it a crossbow to keep people from messing with your L.Z. lol
Remember, air medical folks are life savers, not life takers. Thanks for commenting.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
I was sad to see it was SWORD. I was hoping it was a catapult. I do prefer better communication with flight crews, but I still think that we need to use more catapults….
Communication is one of the keys to success when it comes to keeping air medical safe. The other pillars to success are teamwork, common sense, an leadership.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Nice, I can definitely apply this.
You’re very welcome.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Thanks for the info! Important Heli sense!
You’re very welcome!
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
And if all else fails, you can use the sword to stab all the stupid people screwing up your LZ.
Nobody ever “screws up” a helicopter landing zone on purpose. We’ll stick to using the SWORD as the acronym described in the article.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
Sweet, I’m gonna bring my siege tower on the next one!
Interesting. Is a “siege tower” a Minecraft game thing?
Clear Skies & Tailwinds
I also use a trebuchet to clear an LZ.
That sounds interesting.
Clear Skies and Tailwinds
And don’t tell the ex-military pilot “the LZ is hot” in an excited tone
I know ex-military pilots will appreciate your advice.
Clear Skies & Tailwinds