The heart of EMS Flight Safety Network is people.
People who keep air medical safe.
People who keep you from becoming the next air medical statistic.
People who keep what matters the most – the people you love . . . safe.
But that’s not all . . .
EMS Flight Safety Network is also a thriving online community and powerful training & membership website.
Most folks think EMS Flight Safety Network is about Flight Crews and Helicopters.
And they’re right.
Flight Crews and Helicopters are just the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.”
The rest of the much bigger story is all the other professionals who work hard behind the scenes every day.
Don’t get us wrong…
We love flight crews and helicopters . . . but we know they’re just one part of a much bigger network. A much bigger purpose. A much bigger dream.
EMS Flight Safety Network is the whole team.
EMS Flight Safety Network is everyone who works hard to keep flight crews, patients, and your loved ones safe.
We believe you should do what you love. We teach a proven system to transition from ground to air medical careers. We make great-looking clothing, jewelry, and survival gear for the entire EMSFSN Team.
Teamwork saves lives.
For a second, imagine the worst. A moment of inattention causes your car to veer off the road and lose control. One second everything is fine, the next moment your entire world is upside down in a ditch. Everything that matters is at stake – your spouse, your children, your life. The good news is EMS Flight Safety Network is standing by to help you and your family. Special people doing special jobs.
The EMS Flight Safety Net philosophy is a ground-up, team approach to air medical safety and success.
Teamwork is what keeps us alive.
People are who gets it done.
We want the same thing every air medical professional wants – zero air medical accidents.
But the zero-accidents goal is nothing new. Who doesn’t want to see a complete stoppage of all medical helicopter and airplane crashes?
What’s different about EMS Flight Safety Network is our philosophy on how to get it done.
This area is where we sometimes part ways (hopefully as friends) with our colleagues in the air medical community. Our profits aren’t tied to revenue flights or creative billing practices.
So we don’t feel the need to coddle any group of professionals in EMS Flight Safety Network or the air medical community at large. We don’t preach the “unicorns and rainbows everything is going to be okay” safety theory you often see in air medical.
We just tell the truth.
A new approach . . .
Sadly, truth sometimes seems like a new approach.
You can get a feel for the EMS Flight Safety Network philosophy by reading FlightSafetyNet Blog articles.
But if you want the full frontal, raw unfiltered perspective, you’ll need to join Crew Newsletter.
And if you’re considering a future career in air medical, you can request to join our Future Flight Crew private Facebook group.
How can there be over 200 thousand people in EMS Flight Safety Network, when there’s only like 10 thousand active flight crew?
You already know, right?
EMS Flight Safety Network includes the whole team. A team much larger than flight nurses, flight paramedics and pilots.
EMS Flight Safety Network includes professionals, fans, supporters and wannabes.
Let’s not kid ourselves . . .
We need the whole team.
Professional flight crews willingly admit they only accomplish their goals with the strong support of family and friends. Which is the exact reason family and friends are as much a part of EMS Flight Safety Network as anyone else.
Air medical is one of the most exciting and rewarding career paths in the world.
And once you see and understand how all the parts work together, it’s really no surprise how many people want (and are needed) to contribute to the success of air medical.
EMS Flight Safety Network was founded in June of 2009, by Troy Shaffer.
Troy is the CEO of FlightSafetyNet Media, LLC; and is a career emergency medical services and search & rescue worker. He is a former military pilot, EMS pilot, and military medic.
Troy coached hundreds of paramedics, nurses & pilots to air medical jobs before moving his training and coaching programs to an online membership site.
The result of that move is the new
EMS Flight Safety Network is the premier online training and membership site for people who want to start or advance their EMS Flight Safety Net careers.
As of this moment, our membership site is undergoing a complete overall. But don’t worry, it will return soon, bigger and better than ever.
Are you interested in a EMS Flight Safety Net career? But not sure where to start?
Or do you prefer to take us for a test flight before you invest your hard earned money?
We don’t blame you.
Start with our Crew Newsletter –you can sign up for free on the top or bottom of this page.
We’ll announce when we’re re-opening the doors to our membership training website via our Crew Newsletter. So join now to be the first notified.
We believe in giving back.
We donate a percentage of select themed products to EMS, Fire, Flight and Police charities.
You can view our whole catalog of goods at EMS Flight Safety Network Shop.
And yes, our store includes the entire team too.
What does the future of EMS and air medical look like?
In a word, it looks like…
You are the future of air medical.
We believe the fastest path to sustained air medical safety is through the recruitment and training of future flight and ground crews. We give you tools and training to succeed at all EMS Flight Safety Network jobs.
No matter what your current level of training or expertise, we have tools to move you closer to your goal of flying professionally.
We’re glad you found us and we hope you’ll join us by taking the first step and signing up for Crew Newsletter.
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