Praise for EMS Flight Safety Network
grateful & humbled
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Dr. Lisa Gibson here.
I joined Flight Safety Net Insider to learn more about what air medical crews do every day. What I gained was a whole new respect for the medical crews and pilots on board medical helicopters.
INSIDER is the perfect name for this training program.
The newsletter and audio CDs go deep into subjects only an INSIDER could know.
I wish this type of training was around years ago. I think air medicine would be safer if it had started sooner.
I highly recommend Flight Safety Net Insider to anyone interested in flying.”
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“Hi, I’m Julie,
I’m an EMT and Paramedic, and I want to tell you about something that’s changing my life.
My friends and co-workers say I’m a great paramedic.
I would say – I’m still learning, but always try to do my best for my patients.
My biggest problem is that I’m shy and I don’t like to talk about myself – even when I know I did a good job.
So when it comes to interviews, resumes, and networking, I’m probably not the best at it.
But I am getting better – and I want to thank the folks who helped me…”
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I’m Karen Kramer. I’m excited to tell you I just got hired as a flight nurse for one of the best air medical programs in the United States.
I am one of the original Flight Safety Net Insiders. I joined as a charter member when the insider program first started. I read every issue cover to cover, and listened to every training CD. And most importantly, I followed the flight interview and networking tips. All the training was excellent, but the best thing I can say about INSIDER, is that it works!
I like it so much I’m keeping my membership going after I start flying. The flight and people skill tips are priceless. If you’re even thinking about flying as a nurse, medic, or pilot someday, you owe it to yourself to check out Flight Safety Net Insider training program.”
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