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Fly Strong Banner at EMS Flight Safety Network

How Smart Crews Stay Safe

—6 Ways to Fly Strong in An Air Medical World Full of Dumb. For you, flying air medical is about patient care and job satisfaction, right? But it’s completely different for people with no skin in the game. For helicopter companies and health systems, it’s about the money. Is that too much reality for you? Because if it is, you’re doing the wrong job. And you should do something else right away.

by Troy Shaffer
How To Get Out of EMS Rut

How To Get Out of EMS Rut

—And Breathe Fresh Life Into Your Air Medical Dreams. "You can think positive thoughts about flying air medical from this moment until the day you die, and if all you do is think about it...You will never fly. Never."

by Troy Shaffer
Helicopter on Ramp at EMS Flight Safety Network

An Open Letter To EMS Who Want To Fly

An Open Letter To EMS Who Want To Fly. It hurts me to write this. For years, I’ve been the “EMS fly guy.” Not only because I’m good at getting people hired, but because it’s the number one question on the top of every paramedic, pilot and nurse’s mind: “How do I get paid to fly on a trauma helicopter?”

by Troy Shaffer
Medical helicopter at accident scene with EMS & Flight Safety Net Team

Would You Fly for… You?

Would You Fly for... You? Over the past five years, I’ve held coaching sessions with hundreds of nurses, paramedics and pilots who want to fly air medical. In all but a handful of these coaching sessions…

by Troy Shaffer
50 Flight Interview Questions for Future Flight Crew

51 Flight Interview Questions for Future Crew

—A paramedic, nurse and pilot survival guide. "There’s more involved in a flight interview than a ‘regular’ interview. Flight interviews ask more of candidates than almost any other professional interview, including other health and aviation interviews." That's the reason what I'm about to tell you next, may surprise you . . .

by Troy Shaffer